Birla Mandir, Jaipur could be a Hindu temple set in Jaipur, Republic of India and is a componentof 1 of the many Birla mandirs set all round the country. The grand temple is found on associateelevated ground at the bottom of Moti Dungari hill in Rajasthan. The temple is usually conjointlymentioned because the Laxmi Narayan Temple.
Birla Temple, Jaipur At the foot of Moti Dungri fort is that the Birla Temple. This temple forms one amongst the most important attractions of Jaipur. Birla Temple of Jaipur appearance gorgeous,once it's bright lit within the night. the large temple was engineered throughout the year 1988, by Birla cluster of Industries, one amongst the business tycoons of Republic of India. The Templeis devoted to Lord Hindu deity (Narayan), the preserver and his consort Hindu deity, the deity of wealth. thanks to this reason, Birla Temple is additionally referred to as Laxmi Narayan Temple. Birla Mandir is built within the finest quality of white marble. The 3 immense domes of the temple represent 3 totally different approaches to the faith. the attractive white marble temple mesmerizes the onlookers, once it glows at midnight. glass widows depict the scenes from Hindu scriptures. Ganesa the shielder of households, is on top of the header, and therefore the fine quality of marble is obvious after you enter the temple and appearance back at the doorwaymethod. the photographs of Hindu deity and Narayan attract the eye, being created out from one piece of marble. several of the deities of the Hindu pantheon ar pictured within the temple, and onthe surface walls nice historical personages and figures from all religions ar shown, together withSocrates, Zoroaster, Christ, Budhda, and Confucius. The Laxmi Narayan Mandir could be afashionable study marvel, enclosed by lush inexperienced gardens. The fascinating exteriors of the temple ar carven splendidly with stunning sculptures supported mythological themes, whereasthe interiors have an outsized marble panel portrayal mythological events.
The Hindu temple Govind Dev JI is set in Jaipur in Rajasthan state of Bharat. it's placed within thetown Palace complicated. The temple is devoted to Govind Dev JI (Lord Krishna). The image of the immortal (murti) was brought from Vrindavan here by Raja Sawai Jai Singh II, the founding father of Jaipur. per standard legend, Lord Krishna's image within the temple appearancespecifically like Krishna's kind throughout his incarnation on Earth.
The immortal originally belonged to Srila Rupa Goswami UN agency was a lover of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.In the legend, the Holy Image of Lord Govind Devji was additionally referred to as "BAJRAKRIT"human activity thereby that it absolutely was created by Bajranabh – the good Grand Son of Lord Shri Krishna. Some 5,000 years back once Shri Bajranabh was around thirteen years recent, he asked his Grand Mother (daughter-in-law of Lord Krishna) on however Lord Shri Krishna looked like; Then He created a picture as per the outline given by her. She but, aforesaid that not nighthe Feet of that image seemed like those of Lord Shri Krishna. He created another image,however she aforesaid that the Chest seemed like that of Lord Shri Krishna. Thereafter, Hecreated the Third Image and searching at a similar she felt Blush and Nodded that affirmative that was what Lord Shri Krishna Looked Like!The first one came to be identified with the Name Lord "Madan Mohanji". The other got recognition as Lord "GOPI NATHJI" and therefore the Third One, The LIVE Divine Majestic Holy Image is LORD "GOVIND DEVJI". With passing of ages the glories of the Indian Culture were being forgottenand therefore the sands of your time unbroken pillar up. at the side of each different issuethese pious divine pictures were additionally lost from the reminiscences of individuals. Somefive hundred years agone Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu took his birth on the Indian Soil and did the huge work to get rid of the layers of mental object & infuse back in our lives the forgotten vitality ofnice grand Indian Past.Vrindavn Dham had become nearly a Jungle by the first sixteenth Century. No trace of the initial place was left at the location. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had visited the location in 1514 A.D. and had discovered a number of the places mentioned within the BhagvatSanskrit literature. however he wasn't able to keep here long enough to bring out the entireGlory of The Place.For Vaishnavites, significantly followers of Lord Krishna, this is often one among the foremostvital temples outside Vrindavan.'Aartis' and 'Bhog' square measure offered seven times each day, once the immortal is undrapedfor 'Darshan'. Thousands of devotees visit the temple daily and even larger range visit throughoutJanmashtami.
As per Hindi Samvat Year, the subsequent ancient festivals square measure celebrated:Month of Chaitra: one. From Chaitra Sudi onaisakha Sudi three(Akshaya Tritiya). Chandan - Yatra. Saffron & shoe Paste is appan" when taking three rounds of the most temple, the chariot enters the Garbh Graha from the most entrance. 2.Asharh Sudi 11(ekadashi):Devshayani Ekadashi Thakur Saligramji is placed within the chariot and brought to the "Tulsi"(Brinda Devi) stand. whenAbhishek, Thakur Saligramji comes back. 3.Asharh Sudi fifteen (Poornima): Guru Poornima; The Disappearance ceremony of Shri Pad Sanatan Goswami is well known.Month of Shravan: one.From Shravan Sudi 2(dooj) to Shravan Sudi fifteen (July-Aug.-Sep.) (poornima):The competition Of Swings; Thakurji takes the ride on the Swings. 2.Shravan Sudithree (teej): Ghewar (a special sweet dish) bhog is obtainable. 3.Shravan Sudi 15(Poornima):Raksha Bandhan; The Rakhis (various decorative strings) square measure tied to the wrists of the divine holy pictures. On nowadays the sisters tie "Rakhi" on the wrists of their brothers to avoid wasting them from any style of dangers.Month of Bhadrapad: one.Bhadva Budi eight & nine (Ashtmi & Navmi): ( Aug-Sep-Oct ) ShriKrishna Janmashtmi, the most competition of the year; Celebrations of Lord Kirshna's Birthsquare measure half-dozen created on Ashtami & Nandotsava on Navmi. Shobha Yatra(aimmense procession through the most markets of the City) takes place on Navmi evening. 2.Bhadva Sudi eight (ashtami):Radha Ashtami; The competition of the birth of Adhya
{shakti|Shakti|Sakti|Hindu immortal} Radha ranee is well known and Chhapan Bhog (dishes of minimum fifty six varieties) square measure offered to the deity. 3.Bhadva Sudi fifteen (Poornima): Shrimad Bhagwatotsava; Bhagwat Katha Ayojan (Holy discourses on Shrimad Bhagwatji)Month of Ashvin: one.From Asoj Sudi 1(ekam) to Asoj Sudi nine (Navmi): ( Sep-Oct-Nov ): Navratra Sthapna; Navratra Celebrations. 2.Asoj Sudi ten (Dashmi): Vijaya Dashmi or Dashahara Celebrations seven Kheer Bhog (Sweet Dish created with Rice & Milk) is obtainable. 3.Asoj Sudi 15(Poornima): Sharad Poornima Celebrations; A special extra "Jhanki" (Darshan) is opened whenthe rising of Moon and "Kheer Bhog" is obtainable & distributed to the devotees. 4.From Asoj Sudififteen(Poornima) to Kartik Sudi 15 (Poornima):Aakashi Deepak; when evening, a day "Aakashi Deepak"(a holy heavenly Lamp) is lighted.
Month of Kartik: one.From Asoj Sudi 15(Poornima) to Kartik Sudi 15(Main ( Oct-Nov-Dec ) on timeSewa Pooja Month); Damodar Bhog (Malpua-Kheer) is obtainable daily. 2.Kartik Budi fifteen(Amavasya):Deepawali Celebrations three.Kartik Sudi one (Pratipada): Annakut Celebrations; "Chhappan Bhog" square measure offered on nowadays. 4.Kartik Sudi eight (Ashtami): Gopashtami; The Holy "Cow" is loved five.Kartik Sudi fifteen :(End of on time Sewa Pooja Month) Ras Poornima Celebrations with special extra Jhanki-Darshan; when Moon-Rise, "Kheer Bhog" is obtainable.Month of Marg-Sheersha (Mangsar) & Paush : ( Nov-Dec-Jan one.Mangasar Sudi twelve(Dwadashi):Vyanjan Dwadashi Dec-Jan-Feb ) Celebrations; Special Bhog is obtainable in an exceedingly Special Jhanki. all told the Jhankis, a special "Kapoor Aarti" nine (Aarti with Camphor)is finished. Throughout this whole month within the Mangla Jhanki, holy bathtub (Abhishek) is given to the deities daily a pair of.Mangsar Sudi fifteen to Paush Sudi fifteen ( Poornima ) : Paush Khichdi Bhog (both Sweet & Saline) is obtainable. 3.Paush Budi one (Ekam) to Paush Sudi fifteen(Poornima) : Paush Bada Bhog fabricated from Chaulai dekalitre (a pulse) is obtainable & then prasadi distributed among the devoteesMonth of Magh: one.Magh Budi 7(Saptami):Posh Sankranti(Mah Magh ( Jan-Feb-Mar ) Punyakal,i.e., sacred amount of your time of the month of Magh ). Makar Sankranti is well knownon Magh Budi eleven Saptami. On nowadays "Til (a cereal) Bhog" is obtainable. 2.Magh Sudi one(Pratipada) to Magh Sudi fifteen (Poonam):Peen Hindu deity Laddoo (A sweet dish made up ofrice-flour & dirt of sugar) is obtainable. 3.Magh Sudi five (Panchami): Basant Panchami Celebrations (Patotsav); The ceremonies of holy bathing (Abhishek of Thakur Shri Govind Devji) & worship of Devi Saraswati ( divinity of intelligence & education ), take place. All Basanti Paridhan ( yellow color robes ) square measure placed on by the deities . Thereafter, Bhog as was commonis obtainable. 4. Magh Sudi seven ( Saptami ): Bhanu Saptami (Surya Saptami);The"Advityacharya Mahaprabhu Jayanti" is well known five.Magh Sudi thirteen ( Trayodashi ): Nityananda Mahaprabhu Patotsava Ceremonies happen. Kheer & Malpua Bhog is obtainable.Month of Falgun: one.Falguni Budi fourteen (Chaudas): Maha knife Ratri ( Feb-Mar-April ) Celebrations: Pooja-Aarti done by the Temple Management in Mandir Shri Gopeshwar Mahadeo. 2.From Falgun Budi ten (Dashmi) to Falguni Sudi fifteen (Poornima): Rachna Fagotsava / Holika Utsava; From Falgun Budi Dashmi "Rachna Fagotsava Jhankis square measure createdvictimization special form of dirt colours; Cultural Programmes square measure unionised on Falgun Sudi Ashtami, Navmi & Dashmi; From Ekadashi to Chaudas and Poornima, Fagotsava – thecompetition of of "Holi" is well known. Bhog is obtainable as was common . 3.Falguni Sudieleven (Ekadashi): Aanwala Ekadashi; Worship of Aanwala plantis wiped out temple field. 4.Falgun Sudi fifteen ( Poornima ) :Shri Gaurang Mahaprabhu Patotsava celebrations;In the evening 'Holy Bath' (Abhishek) is given to the Image of Maha Prabhuji and therefore the "Panchamrit" is distributed to all or any Devotees.
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Birla Mandir, Jaipur could be a Hindu temple set in Jaipur, Republic of India and is a componentof 1 of the many Birla mandirs set all round the country. The grand temple is found on associateelevated ground at the bottom of Moti Dungari hill in Rajasthan. The temple is usually conjointlymentioned because the Laxmi Narayan Temple.
Birla Temple, Jaipur At the foot of Moti Dungri fort is that the Birla Temple. This temple forms one amongst the most important attractions of Jaipur. Birla Temple of Jaipur appearance gorgeous,once it's bright lit within the night. the large temple was engineered throughout the year 1988, by Birla cluster of Industries, one amongst the business tycoons of Republic of India. The Templeis devoted to Lord Hindu deity (Narayan), the preserver and his consort Hindu deity, the deity of wealth. thanks to this reason, Birla Temple is additionally referred to as Laxmi Narayan Temple. Birla Mandir is built within the finest quality of white marble. The 3 immense domes of the temple represent 3 totally different approaches to the faith. the attractive white marble temple mesmerizes the onlookers, once it glows at midnight. glass widows depict the scenes from Hindu scriptures. Ganesa the shielder of households, is on top of the header, and therefore the fine quality of marble is obvious after you enter the temple and appearance back at the doorwaymethod. the photographs of Hindu deity and Narayan attract the eye, being created out from one piece of marble. several of the deities of the Hindu pantheon ar pictured within the temple, and onthe surface walls nice historical personages and figures from all religions ar shown, together withSocrates, Zoroaster, Christ, Budhda, and Confucius. The Laxmi Narayan Mandir could be afashionable study marvel, enclosed by lush inexperienced gardens. The fascinating exteriors of the temple ar carven splendidly with stunning sculptures supported mythological themes, whereasthe interiors have an outsized marble panel portrayal mythological events.
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The Hindu temple Govind Dev JI is set in Jaipur in Rajasthan state of Bharat. it's placed within thetown Palace complicated. The temple is devoted to Govind Dev JI (Lord Krishna). The image of the immortal (murti) was brought from Vrindavan here by Raja Sawai Jai Singh II, the founding father of Jaipur. per standard legend, Lord Krishna's image within the temple appearancespecifically like Krishna's kind throughout his incarnation on Earth.
The immortal originally belonged to Srila Rupa Goswami UN agency was a lover of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.In the legend, the Holy Image of Lord Govind Devji was additionally referred to as "BAJRAKRIT"human activity thereby that it absolutely was created by Bajranabh – the good Grand Son of Lord Shri Krishna. Some 5,000 years back once Shri Bajranabh was around thirteen years recent, he asked his Grand Mother (daughter-in-law of Lord Krishna) on however Lord Shri Krishna looked like; Then He created a picture as per the outline given by her. She but, aforesaid that not nighthe Feet of that image seemed like those of Lord Shri Krishna. He created another image,however she aforesaid that the Chest seemed like that of Lord Shri Krishna. Thereafter, Hecreated the Third Image and searching at a similar she felt Blush and Nodded that affirmative that was what Lord Shri Krishna Looked Like!The first one came to be identified with the Name Lord "Madan Mohanji". The other got recognition as Lord "GOPI NATHJI" and therefore the Third One, The LIVE Divine Majestic Holy Image is LORD "GOVIND DEVJI". With passing of ages the glories of the Indian Culture were being forgottenand therefore the sands of your time unbroken pillar up. at the side of each different issuethese pious divine pictures were additionally lost from the reminiscences of individuals. Somefive hundred years agone Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu took his birth on the Indian Soil and did the huge work to get rid of the layers of mental object & infuse back in our lives the forgotten vitality ofnice grand Indian Past.Vrindavn Dham had become nearly a Jungle by the first sixteenth Century. No trace of the initial place was left at the location. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had visited the location in 1514 A.D. and had discovered a number of the places mentioned within the BhagvatSanskrit literature. however he wasn't able to keep here long enough to bring out the entireGlory of The Place.For Vaishnavites, significantly followers of Lord Krishna, this is often one among the foremostvital temples outside Vrindavan.'Aartis' and 'Bhog' square measure offered seven times each day, once the immortal is undrapedfor 'Darshan'. Thousands of devotees visit the temple daily and even larger range visit throughoutJanmashtami.
As per Hindi Samvat Year, the subsequent ancient festivals square measure celebrated:Month of Chaitra: one. From Chaitra Sudi onaisakha Sudi three(Akshaya Tritiya). Chandan - Yatra. Saffron & shoe Paste is appan" when taking three rounds of the most temple, the chariot enters the Garbh Graha from the most entrance. 2.Asharh Sudi 11(ekadashi):Devshayani Ekadashi Thakur Saligramji is placed within the chariot and brought to the "Tulsi"(Brinda Devi) stand. whenAbhishek, Thakur Saligramji comes back. 3.Asharh Sudi fifteen (Poornima): Guru Poornima; The Disappearance ceremony of Shri Pad Sanatan Goswami is well known.Month of Shravan: one.From Shravan Sudi 2(dooj) to Shravan Sudi fifteen (July-Aug.-Sep.) (poornima):The competition Of Swings; Thakurji takes the ride on the Swings. 2.Shravan Sudithree (teej): Ghewar (a special sweet dish) bhog is obtainable. 3.Shravan Sudi 15(Poornima):Raksha Bandhan; The Rakhis (various decorative strings) square measure tied to the wrists of the divine holy pictures. On nowadays the sisters tie "Rakhi" on the wrists of their brothers to avoid wasting them from any style of dangers.Month of Bhadrapad: one.Bhadva Budi eight & nine (Ashtmi & Navmi): ( Aug-Sep-Oct ) ShriKrishna Janmashtmi, the most competition of the year; Celebrations of Lord Kirshna's Birthsquare measure half-dozen created on Ashtami & Nandotsava on Navmi. Shobha Yatra(aimmense procession through the most markets of the City) takes place on Navmi evening. 2.Bhadva Sudi eight (ashtami):Radha Ashtami; The competition of the birth of Adhya
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Month of Kartik: one.From Asoj Sudi 15(Poornima) to Kartik Sudi 15(Main ( Oct-Nov-Dec ) on timeSewa Pooja Month); Damodar Bhog (Malpua-Kheer) is obtainable daily. 2.Kartik Budi fifteen(Amavasya):Deepawali Celebrations three.Kartik Sudi one (Pratipada): Annakut Celebrations; "Chhappan Bhog" square measure offered on nowadays. 4.Kartik Sudi eight (Ashtami): Gopashtami; The Holy "Cow" is loved five.Kartik Sudi fifteen :(End of on time Sewa Pooja Month) Ras Poornima Celebrations with special extra Jhanki-Darshan; when Moon-Rise, "Kheer Bhog" is obtainable.Month of Marg-Sheersha (Mangsar) & Paush : ( Nov-Dec-Jan one.Mangasar Sudi twelve(Dwadashi):Vyanjan Dwadashi Dec-Jan-Feb ) Celebrations; Special Bhog is obtainable in an exceedingly Special Jhanki. all told the Jhankis, a special "Kapoor Aarti" nine (Aarti with Camphor)is finished. Throughout this whole month within the Mangla Jhanki, holy bathtub (Abhishek) is given to the deities daily a pair of.Mangsar Sudi fifteen to Paush Sudi fifteen ( Poornima ) : Paush Khichdi Bhog (both Sweet & Saline) is obtainable. 3.Paush Budi one (Ekam) to Paush Sudi fifteen(Poornima) : Paush Bada Bhog fabricated from Chaulai dekalitre (a pulse) is obtainable & then prasadi distributed among the devoteesMonth of Magh: one.Magh Budi 7(Saptami):Posh Sankranti(Mah Magh ( Jan-Feb-Mar ) Punyakal,i.e., sacred amount of your time of the month of Magh ). Makar Sankranti is well knownon Magh Budi eleven Saptami. On nowadays "Til (a cereal) Bhog" is obtainable. 2.Magh Sudi one(Pratipada) to Magh Sudi fifteen (Poonam):Peen Hindu deity Laddoo (A sweet dish made up ofrice-flour & dirt of sugar) is obtainable. 3.Magh Sudi five (Panchami): Basant Panchami Celebrations (Patotsav); The ceremonies of holy bathing (Abhishek of Thakur Shri Govind Devji) & worship of Devi Saraswati ( divinity of intelligence & education ), take place. All Basanti Paridhan ( yellow color robes ) square measure placed on by the deities . Thereafter, Bhog as was commonis obtainable. 4. Magh Sudi seven ( Saptami ): Bhanu Saptami (Surya Saptami);The"Advityacharya Mahaprabhu Jayanti" is well known five.Magh Sudi thirteen ( Trayodashi ): Nityananda Mahaprabhu Patotsava Ceremonies happen. Kheer & Malpua Bhog is obtainable.Month of Falgun: one.Falguni Budi fourteen (Chaudas): Maha knife Ratri ( Feb-Mar-April ) Celebrations: Pooja-Aarti done by the Temple Management in Mandir Shri Gopeshwar Mahadeo. 2.From Falgun Budi ten (Dashmi) to Falguni Sudi fifteen (Poornima): Rachna Fagotsava / Holika Utsava; From Falgun Budi Dashmi "Rachna Fagotsava Jhankis square measure createdvictimization special form of dirt colours; Cultural Programmes square measure unionised on Falgun Sudi Ashtami, Navmi & Dashmi; From Ekadashi to Chaudas and Poornima, Fagotsava – thecompetition of of "Holi" is well known. Bhog is obtainable as was common . 3.Falguni Sudieleven (Ekadashi): Aanwala Ekadashi; Worship of Aanwala plantis wiped out temple field. 4.Falgun Sudi fifteen ( Poornima ) :Shri Gaurang Mahaprabhu Patotsava celebrations;In the evening 'Holy Bath' (Abhishek) is given to the Image of Maha Prabhuji and therefore the "Panchamrit" is distributed to all or any Devotees.
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